I like wandering around filming locations. Sometimes I visit shooting places even before seeing the film and I enjoy finding these sceneries in a film.
A Bout de Souffle

This is set in Paris. During my trip to Paris in 2013, I went to some shooting places such as Rue Campagne-Première, Vavin, Le Select and Les Champs-Elysees. Jean-Paul Belmondo is very cool, especially when he performs the gesture of putting a cigarette in his mouth. However, he did not win Jean Seberg’s affection to the very end. What does it mean Qu’est ce que c’est dégueulasse? ! (1959 France)

This is set in Yugoslavia. I went there during my trips to Balkans1 and Balkans2. The dynamic sound of brass instruments resonated from the very beginning of the film, this film was spectacular. It was a work full of passion of the Yugoslavian director Emir Kusturica. Also, I bought the film soundtrack CD. (1995, France, Germany, Hungary)
You’ve Got Mail

This is set in NY. I enjoyed wandering around the filming locations such as Cafe Lalo where Kathleen and Joe planned to meet for the first time after being anonymous online friends (Please check New York-SF). They trusted each other in the virtual world, but they argued all the time in reality. I love their cute frustrating conversation. BTW, I remembered when I started using email, this means of communication was fresh and stimulating. (1998, United States)
When Harry Met Sally

This is mainly set in NY. When we hear the name NYC it usually associates us to a flashy city full of energy. Street neon signs always illuminate the city at night (Please check New York). However, NYC in this film is a calm and relaxing place. With age, Harry and Sally became more mature and patient and their character matched the autumn atmosphere in NY. Besides, I cannot find the words to describe my feelings about the song ♪It Had To Be You. BTW, the title itself is excellent for this film. (1989, United States)
Forrest Gump

This is set in many different places because Gump suddenly started running throughout the country with no plan and itinerary. When I went to Washington, D.C., I visited the Reflecting Pool. I did not dive into the pool while screaming “Jenny”, though. Well, my favourite line in this film is as follows: Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get until you open it up. (1994, United States)
Buena Vista Social Club

This is mainly set in Havana. I had never listened to Cuban music profoundly. It was really fun because every musician seemed to be enjoying and relaxing. Furthermore, the scenery of Cuba fascinated me. This film awakened my curiosity and a desire to visit Cuba. Five years after watching the film I finally visited Cuba. The focus of this film is the band, its life and its music but I got more interested in Cuba itself through this film. BTW, I also watched Adios. (1999, Germany, United States, France, Cuba)
Un Homme et Une Femme

This is set in Paris. The most impressive spot in the film was Gare Saint-Lazare. I used this station several times during my trip to Paris in 2013. Anne and Jean parted at Gare de Trouville-Deauville, but he came to Gare Saint-Lazare where she was leaving the train in order to surprise her. Moreover, the cinematography was astonishing. I love such techniques as using black-and-white films for indoor shooting, while creating colour films for shooting outside. (1966, France)
Before Sunrise

This is set in Wien. Celine met Jesse on the train from Budapest. They stopped off at Wien and walked around the town while talking. They crossed a nice green bridge and relaxed at a cafe. Of course, I visited the Zollamssteg Bridge and Kleines Café too (Please check Ireland-EU). Although the main focus of this film was their stroll and conversation, I felt as if I was walking down the same streets with them and I enjoyed the scenery which was presented very realistically in the film. (1995, United States)
The Bourne Identity

This is set in many places around the world such as Madrid and Tanger. As Bourne wants to know who he is, and often need to snake off his pursuers, he was moving from city to city. It is like the board game named Scotland Yard. He suddenly appeared in some city far from the place where he stayed in before. I enjoyed his journey. Also, I usually visit many cities on my trip, so it is something like this film in a sense. (2002, United States)
The Untouchables

This is set in 1920’s Chicago. In my childhood, I watched this film and was surprised by the shooting spree. Besides, I was impressed by the scene of the falling pram and it is unforgettable. I have wanted to visit Union Station for a long time, and finally dreams came true (Please check Chicago). Of course, the station was still in the same condition as when the film was filmed. In reality, the station was used as the scene in 1927. Anyway, it was like I was in the film. (1987 United States)
La Stanza del Figlio

This is set in Ancona, Italy. The last scene was shot on the border between Italy and France. I had already passed through the border in 1999 before the film was shot (Please check Western Europe). It is not very well known there, so I would have never thought if I was able to see this view again. Anyway, this story has a bland tone, so it stirred great emotion even more. Laura Morante, her performance was outstanding. Even though she said nothing, I could get her sentiment by her face. (2001, Italy)
Durian Durian

This is set in Hong Kong and Mudanjiang. A young woman, Yan, was a migrant worker from Mudanjiang. She was working in HK as a prostitute. This film focused on her daily life. The thing I remember most was her rough hands stemming from using soap too much. Simply, she lives whole-heartedly and lives a strong life with her youthfulness. BTW, I was impressed by the following catchphrase of this film. What does life taste like? Moreover, I passed through Mudanjiang during Russia-China. (2000, Hong Kong)

This is set in Casablanca, Morocco as titled. However, this film was shot at a studio in Hollywood by using film sets. Therefore nothing special was there. Of course, I had known that, but the name Casablanca attracted me. I was nott sure yet, but I thought I might be able to find some interesting (Please check Morocco-Ceuta). I like Ingrid Bergman. It is impossible for anyone to be that cute! I keep singing the following song. ♪You must remember this. A kiss is just a kiss … (1942, United States)

This is set in Venezia. I visited there in the glaring summer (Please check Western Europe). I saw it after getting back and I felt nostalgic. BTW, I unintentionally thought this story mainly focused on the friendship between Jane and Mauro. It was so much fun to watch them exchange conversation. Particularly, I like the farewell scene at Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia. She waved at Mauro from my understanding. Anyway, the Ponte della Liberta surrounded by sea was the best railroad for me. (1955, United Kingdom)
Bagdad Cafe

This is set in California. This film portrays the daily life of the Bagdad Cafe. It is located in the Mojave Desert close to Las Vegas along with the highway. The map is here. The title tune of the film ♪Calling you became popular. When I travelled to the West Coast of the US, I took a camping tour with a tent and a sleeping bag. Then I visited many famous spots such as Grand Canyon and Palm Springs, passing through deserts that looked like the scenery in this film. So, this film brought back memories of my trip. (1987, West Germany)