Think Attachment In yoga philosophy, we find the teaching of 'Aparigraha' (non-attachment). It is sometimes translated as non-possessiveness a... 07.04.2022 Think
Tools Travel Essentials I have previously posted about my camera and I will list some other items that are indispensable for travel. First, a came... 01.08.2021 Tools
Think Patient With no major marathons being held for some time, and on top of that, my groin injury has not healed well, it's hard to get m... 28.12.2020 Think
Think Take One Step Forward Even though the next marathon race is approaching and I have to practice, I cannot get into the right mood. Nevertheless, I m... 26.01.2020 Think
Think Bad Posture The dog in the front cover picture in NY was sitting properly on a chair. Meanwhile when it comes to me, I was worried that m... 05.11.2019 Think
Tools World Map If you would like to keep track of all the countries you have travelled to, you can use this useful online tool which allows you ... 22.10.2018 Tools