As I have written in a previous post, I watched “Pierrot Le Fou” in a small cinema focusing on classic films when I was a postgraduate student. I don’t remember which I saw first, “Band a Parte” or “Pierrot le Fou”, but I was so impressed by “Pierrot le Fou” that I looked up the director. That was my first encounter with Godard. His films, which were mainly shot on location, are always innovative. I also went on a location tour of “À bout de souffle” on a trip to Paris in 2013.
Jean-Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina were very lively in Godard’s films. Their performances were so natural and matched the story that I almost forgot I was watching a Godard film.
I don’t remember which film it was, but I liked the sound of the cello, it was very impressive. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I think “Notre musique” was probably one of the triggers for my visit to Bosnia.
So, I never run out of my memories about him. His films are always with me and I can watch them anytime.
I would like to express my sincere condolences.

¶Cinéaste total aux mille vies et à l’œuvre aussi prolifique que protéiforme, incarnation des contradictions d’un art en recherche permanente, Jean-Luc Godard est mort, a-t-on appris mardi 13 septembre, à l’âge de 91 ans. Il laisse une carrière parsemée de chefs-d’œuvre et d’incompréhensions qui l’a érigé, de son vivant, en légende. […] Full text is here. Referenced from Libération, 13 September, 2022