Majority Fear

If you think of a problem between the majority and the minority, it is common to focus on the resentment, anxiety, isolation and fear of minority groups. From the point of view of those who are not there or those who are not involved, it appears that the overwhelmingly strong majority are bullying the weak minority.

However, the article from NY Times (Cite below) described the relationship between the majority and the minority from a different perspective.

According to the article, many in the majority believe themselves to be a “trapped minority”. This seems to be due to people who belong to the majority overestimating the influence of minorities, or to the spread of the internet making them believe that even if they are the majority in their own region, they themselves are more of a minority on a global scale.

This article has given me some insight into the mechanisms by which the majority feel insecure.

In general terms, in economic competition, not in violence, even those who have lived on the land for a long time sometimes have to endure the loss of their privileged status and vested interests. On the other hand, native people have their own reasons to maintain their culture. This is because the culture of a place is closely related to and heavily influenced by climate and natural features.

[…] Such fears are not unique to Sri Lanka. Around the world, dominant majorities increasingly see themselves as imperiled minorities.¶That dynamic, sometimes known as a majority with a minority complex, is thought to be a major factor in the rise of right-wing populism in Europe, religious nationalism in Asia, and white nationalist terrorism in the United States and New Zealand. […] These dynamics are rising globally, and not only when one group is a majority nationally and a minority regionally. […] ¶Many whites welcome pluralism and multiculturalism. But for those who see the decline of white dominance as destabilizing, any increase in the minority population is perceived as an attack. […] Full text is here. Referenced from The New York Times, 30 April, 2019